This website is for all things Lempriere. If your family name is Lempriere, you're welcome to have a email forwarding from the Lempriere.Net Internet domain at no cost -- just contact MikeL (see below).
My father (Brian) has collated lots of family tree information. It's a long term project getting it here on the web. This information was updated last on 12-Jan-2006. For security's sake, the information is kept private -- please just drop an email to Brian or Mike if you'd like access.
If your family tree includes Lempriere's, we want to hear from you! Please send us email!
Click here to enter the Lempriere family information private area
The most known Lempriere family member is John L. the author of
Lempriere's Classical Dictionary --
a reference book on mythology published in 1788.
In the late 1990's, Lawrence Norfolk took the liberty of writing a
novel purporting to be about John L's writing of the massive work.
Norfolk's work is entirely fictional.
My dad, Brian L. has published two books:
Another recognized member is Thomas L. who placed a tidal marker in
Tasmania in the early 1800's and made methodical measurements about
tidal and climate data. This marker and data are still in use today
as the earliest accurate measurements for "global warming"
analysis. More information about this work can be found at
Port Aurthur Tidal Benchmark
(CSIRO) (local copy, 182Kb .pdf)
[Visits since 01-Nov-1999: 52690]